Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I so happy in my skull skts

Today i so happy in my skull becos today is my class teaher pn .Dahlia birthday so we give peasent to teaher we singing happy birthday i so happy n teaher say to we all very good n teaher say come we go to makma computer n do your bahasa melayu in the skull tat i so happy happy happy until i oso dunno wt to write

Monday, February 9, 2009

Actually today i want to play comp wan..but raining n summore the,damn loud!so,later i very boring,nth to do..n then i see my CJ7 N my teddy bear..then i play wit it cus i haf nth to play wit,n i name my cj7 called cici..teddy bear momo..very weird right??but i like it!hahahahahaha..dats all,bye^^